<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">What are bike bags?
Situations where more space is preferred when traveling, used by everyone from commuters, bikepackers, to everyday riders.
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Rack bag
Sits on top of rack and attaches using straps or mechanisms.
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Panniers
Bags that hang on the sides of the front or rear wheel.
<span data-metadata=""><span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Current Market
Small heavily structured bags with large openings and heavy framing attachments. Waterproof nylon coating indistinguishable from brand to brand.
<span data-buffer="">User Needs<span data-buffer="">
- Durability
- Many different bags
- Waterproofing
- Removability
- Minimal weight
- Multipurpose
Joy Rider
- Detachable
- Attractive
- Stylized
Users need a way to easily customize a bag to their individual needs.
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Material & construction research
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Pattern
Developed through research of other bags and patterns on the market. Measurements of many different types of bikes and bags and how they are attached and connected to allow them to work productively. Panel size was created to fit the majority of rack sizes and shapes.
<span data-buffer="">Technical Package<span data-metadata="">
Measurements in inches for US standard manufacturing.
<span data-buffer="">Material Reference<span data-metadata="">
<span data-buffer="">Water Proofing
While manufactured waterproof nylon sheds while it ages, wax can just be reapplied to the canvas and it is revitalized to its original waterproofing abilities. This makes it convenient for products that are out in the elements for a large portion of their life. It also extends the life of the product.
Beeswax is a natural waterproofing agent. When melted into the duck cloth it creates a hydrophobic barrier that prevents water from penetrating the fabric.
<span data-buffer="">Sewing
All the layers of the main body and roll flap were stacked and sewn together, then attached to the inside lining. Main zipper was hand stitched on to create a seamless connection.
<span data-buffer="">Functionality<span data-buffer="">
- Removed and carried off bike using handle
- Roll straps can form to any size gear
- Loops around pack to hang gear
- Can be rolled up for storage to take up less room
- Waterproof exterior